Forgot to include a debt in my bankruptcy
Hi there – when I filed bankruptcy, I forgot to include a debt that I owed. I now have a judgement against me on the debt and my wages are beinbg garnished. IS there anyway I can re-open the bankruptcy and have this debt included that I neglected to include?
Posted from: Nova Scotia
If this debt was something that occurred prior to you filing for bankruptcy and you are not yet discharged, then it is pretty simple to have it included. Just contact your trustee and he will send out information to the creditor in question.
Now if you have been discharged it may get a little more complicated. You will still have to contact your trustee to see if anything can be done, but if the file is closed you may be responsible to provide this creditor the same recovery they would have gotten had you listed them in the bankruptcy, but your trustee will go over this with you.