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GST cheques

I filed for bankruptcy a little over 5 years ago. I was required to pay the trustee 10,000.00 – 160.00 per month – during this time all my GST refund cheques went to the trustee – now that the 10,000.00 is paid, I never received my last GST cheque – when I inquired with revenue canada they say it went to the trustee – who then said if it came to them they would send it to me – 3 1/2 weeks later still dont have it – why do they get the GST cheques in the first place?

Posted from: Prince Edward Island

One Response to “GST cheques”

A licensed trustee said...

So the bad new is, CRA will continue to send your GST to your trustee until your trustee instructs them to do otherwise or your trustee is discharged from your bankruptcy file.

The good news, your trustee will be required to return to you any/all GST that they have received during the 5 years that your bankruptcy has been open. Trustees may only keep your GST if total payments into the bankruptcy are under $1700. If you’ve had to pay $10,000 then you are entitled to all of your GST back.