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Have you ever declared bankruptcy

It will be 6 years from my bankruptcy discharge next year – I will confirm with Equifax that the bankruptcy information has been removed from my bureau after the anniversary of the discharge date. (and yes I will likely celebrate the occasion)

Once the bankruptcy has been removed from my bureau, if asked on an application form if I have EVER claimed bankruptcy can I select no or choose not answer it. It is no longer disclosed on my bureau and I feel that that information is now private information and no longer public and a prospective creditor should not really be asking for private info, at least not in the sense that there is no set time limitation.

If the question was have you declared bankruptcy in the last 7 years for example, I would be more inclined to answer yes as that is a fair question with a reasonable time frame that it would be relevant to the lenders decision making process.

I have completed my bankruptcy and waited 6 years to have it cleared off my bureau, and developed new credit. Is it not unreasonable for me to not want to continue `paying` for it for ever and ever after its removed from my bureau?.

Are you aware if this is addressed under F.O.I.P.?

Posted from: Alberta

One Response to “Have you ever declared bankruptcy”

A licensed trustee said...

I hate to break this to you, but if the question asks “have you ever filed bankruptcy before” the answer is going to be “YES” for the rest of your life. If you answer no and something goes wrong in the future, the lender could use your false answer as grounds to accuse you fo fraud or misrepresentaion. In either case, there are serious implications.

I understand your persepctive – you’ve done your time and now you want to be free of it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. I can tell you that once the bankruptcy has been dropped from your credit report new lenders won’t give it much weight in considering your credit worthiness.