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Discharge from bankruptcy

Is consideration ever given to circumstances that contributed to the bankruptcy when it comes to a discharge? Specifically, I am wondering if they take into consideration illness … permanent disability .. that caused a substantial reduction in income. Also, the majority of the debt is student loans … 10 years old … and although paying on them for years … the interest paid was almost 40% of the principal originally owed on the loans themselves. Misinformation from the bank … horror stories from collections .. and finally an absolutely intolerable situation led to the filing for bankruptcy .. following 2 years in credit counselling and debt repayment plans.
collections .. and finally an absolutely intolerable situation led to the filing for bankruptcy .. following 2 years in credit counselling and debt repayment plans.
Do any of these factors ever have any influence on the date of discharge?

One Response to “Discharge from bankruptcy”

Barton Goth GCO Bankruptcy Trustees said...

The courts definately will consider circumstance, but the biggest thing they look at is how compliant you were with your duties and responsibilities during a bankruptcy.

The best thing everyone can do for themselves is to make sure they complete their duties in a cooperative and timely matter and they are more likely to be discharged quickly by the court system.