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What should I do?

I would like to get my debts resolved because I am turning 30 this year and would like to get on with my life.

Currently I am 24000 dollars in debt. 8k of this is a student loan that is nine years old. I defaulted on it back in 2006 and started making $400/month payments again in 2010.

The rest of my debt is scattered between credit cards and bank loans. I have not made any payments on these since 2006.

I had a few years of financial hardship between 2006 and 2009 where I was only able to meet my basic needs. Since the end of 2009, I have been holding down a good job that pays 2100 per month.

What are my options for handling my financial situation?

Posted from: Alberta

One Response to “What should I do?”

Barton Goth – Goth & Company Inc. -Trustee in Bankruptcy said...

There are a variety of options you can look at, whether that is a consumer proposal, bankruptcy, or potentially a credit counselling. Which options really depends on your cash flow, so with the limited information above it is difficult to say what is the best direction. But the best way to determine that is to contact a local trustee. For no cost they will meet with you, assess your situation and help to determine what options fits your situation best.