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negotiate with creditors

We owe a certain creditor almost $10,000, at time of signing they secured our car as well as personal belongs. At this time the fair market value (blue book)of the car is $1100, and that’s in good condition, which my car is not, might be worth about $500-800. I understand that I can try to negotiate to pay the fair makert value how exactly is that determined, can I get a couple of car lots to appraise the value and submit it to my creditor? Also is there any website that would help me with trying to negotiate effectively with them?

One Response to “negotiate with creditors”

Barton Goth, GCO Inc. Bankruptcy Trustees said...

While I am not aware of any websites, you may be able to get a black book value from a car dealer or alternatively you may be able get an appraisal through a local automotive auction.